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Cosmetic Dentistry

Updated: Aug 27, 2019

Cosmetic dentistry is the process of improving one’s smile, through a range of dental treatments. If you are looking for a cosmetic dentist in Soho, then PS Dental care has all the facilities available for you. Cosmetic dentistry is the solution to all aesthetic problems you may have with your teeth. Whether it be the colour or the configuration of your teeth, then we will be able to provide a solution.

Teeth Whitening

One of the most popular forms of cosmetic treatment is teeth whitening. The enamel of the tooth, while it is extremely hard, is actually porous, and has absorptive properties. Therefore, teeth whitening works by adding a bleaching agent to the surface of the tooth, and letting it target the discoloured areas. This treatment is safe enough to be applied at home, so it is an extremely safe treatment. However, a dentist will be able to apply the treatment with more precision, and experience guaranteeing the results. We will be able to provide a consultation that will assess the areas that need to be targeted, and also be able to target single teeth with a specific shade.

Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth are another main concern for those seeking cosmetic dentistry, as a few teeth that are misaligned can have a detrimental effect on the look of your mouth. Therefore, braces are the best option in this case, and if you are looking for a dentist in Soho who can give you advice, then we are available.

Crooked teeth can be amended with fixed braces, which is often a solution for teenagers who have jaw problems or misaligned teeth. However, adults can often be averse to fixed braces for several reasons. One of them is the association of braces with teenagers, which they may be uncomfortable returning to. The second is that often adults will have slightly crooked teeth, that are not crooked enough to cause a problem, but crooked to the point of being noticeable. This can be rectified with Invisalign.


Invisalign is a ground-breaking treatment that works to correct the teeth using a different method to fixed braces. Instead of using a metal wire to correct the teeth, it uses a series of special braces that gradually adjust the teeth. Fixed braces require tightening or adjusting, whereas Invisalign braces will simply be replaced every two weeks.

Invisalign braces are a clear plastic mould of your teeth and will work towards a final projection of your teeth, that is constructed on your first meeting. One of the great benefits to Invisalign is that they are transparent, so will be invisible on the teeth, so if you are self-conscious about having braces, most people will not even be able to tell that you are undergoing dental treatment.

Another reason that Invisalign is such a popular treatment, is that the braces can be removed at any time. This means that you are free to each and drink anything you want, and not have to worry about damaging the braces. If you are looking for a dentist in Soho who can give you Invisalign treatment, then PS Dental Care has Invisalign available.

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